
The idea's expressed in this post are to be cneridesod from a post-creation perspective. At this point I am not considering how we got here or what allows us to have enlightened thoughts and ideas. I am primary concerned with the fact that we are all here on this mortal coil and we are capable of these things. We, as a human race, have a responsibility to do something good and worthwhile with that existence.Some people will find the guidance and ability to live such an existence through one religion or another. Good for them; I applaud their rise to a higher mental and spiritual level. Others still will live an unenlightened and maybe even destructive life via their chosen religion. Even more people (such as myself) will find a way to live an enlightened and self-aware lifestyle while still doing good for the world without prescribing to any sort of specific religious following. My overall belief relating to what I talk about in this post is that the ability to live an enlightened life style is separate from religion, and the ongoing debate of who or what has given us the ability to have life and debates is beyond the necessary scope of such a life.In this post I used the American way as an example but it is by no means only an American thing. Each and every culture has its own way of doing things and the people of that culture are all impacted by it. That is in-fact the definition of a culture. It is not a bad thing but is simply something a self-aware people has to be aware of. Not only aware of how they are being affected but of what alternatives there are and what is truly their best course for their life.I have been meaning to post more often. I even have some posts half-written. I guess the verbosity of this comment is a sign that I am in a good state of mind to finish them. We'll see.
The idea's expre
ssed in this pos
t are to be cner
idesod from a p
ost-creation pe
rspective. At t
his point I am n
ot considering h
ow we got here o
r what allows us
to have enlighte
ned thoughts and
ideas. I am pri
mary concerned w
ith the fact tha
t we are all her
e on this mortal
coil and we are
capable of these
things. We, as
a human race, ha
ve a responsibil
ity to do someth
ing good and wor
thwhile with tha
t existence.Some
people will find
the guidance and
ability to live
such an existenc
e through one re
ligion or anothe
r. Good for the
m; I applaud the
ir rise to a hig
her mental and s
piritual level.
Others still wil
l live an unenli
ghtened and mayb
e even destructi
ve life via thei
r chosen religio
n. Even more pe
ople (such as my
self) will find
a way to live an
enlightened and
self-aware lifes
tyle while still
doing good for t
he world without
prescribing to a
ny sort of speci
fic religious fo
llowing. My ove
rall belief rela
ting to what I t
alk about in thi
s post is that t
he ability to li
ve an enlightene
d life style is
separate from re
ligion, and the
ongoing debate o
f who or what ha
s given us the a
bility to have l
ife and debates
is beyond the ne
cessary scope of
such a life.In t
his post I used
the American wa
y as an example
but it is by no
means only an A
merican thing.
Each and every c
ulture has its o
wn way of doing
things and the p
eople of that cu
lture are all im
pacted by it. T
hat is in-fact t
he definition of
a culture. It i
s not a bad thin
g but is simply
something a self
-aware people ha
s to be aware of
. Not only awar
e of how they ar
e being affected
but of what alte
rnatives there a
re and what is t
ruly their best
course for their
life.I have been
meaning to post
more often. I e
ven have some po
sts half-written
. I guess the v
erbosity of this
comment is a sig
n that I am in a
good state of mi
nd to finish the
m. We'll see.